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13 reasons why Bridget Jones's Diary is the ultimate Single Gal Movie

*praise hands*

$_57 Source: eBay

FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, one of the greatest romantic comedies of all-time was released.

We are, of course, talking about Bridget Jones’s Diary.

1. Unlike other romantic comedy heroines, Bridget Jones really is the ultimate everywoman.

giphy (18) Source: Giphy

2. She drinks, she smokes, she curses, she performs emotional renditions of All By Myself…

giphy (16) Source: theplaylistfilm/Tumblr

3. And she wears horrific granny knickers.

CVFwBppUYAAjd5w Source: roomwithaview

4. It’s the ultimate Single Gal Movie

If you’ve ever been single and had to suffer through a dinner party with married people, then this scene will always make you chuckle/grimace:

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5. But it's also got two very enjoyable love interests

Given most romantic comedies can barely cobble together one half-decent love interest, this is very good indeed.

6. On the one hand, you have lovely Mark Darcy.

Posh and aloof, sure, but also incredibly lovely.

Don't lie: you swooned the first time you heard this immortal line.

giphy (17) Source: wifflegif/Tumblr

7. And on the other hand, you have Daniel Cleaver.

You know in your heart of hearts that he's a bit of a bastard and that you can't trust him as far you'd throw him. But there's still a little part of you that can't help but fancy the arse off him.

giphy (19) Source: amoviediary/Tumblr

8. Did we mention they fight?

What's more dreamy than the thought of Hugh Grant and Colin Firth fighting over you? Nothing.

giphy (20) Source: Giphy

9. The soundtrack is filled with quality rom-com bangers

I'm Every Woman! Don't Get Me Wrong! RESPECT BY ARETHA FRANKLIN!

*kisses fingers*

track Source: Amazon

10. Speaking of Respect, has it ever been used to better effect than it was in this scene?

Who among us hasn't dreamt of storming out of the office to the strains of Aretha Franklin?

Source: saucyminx/YouTube

11. Thanks to Bridget Jones, this phrase has entered your lexicon

Tweet by @Theresa (with a H) Source: Theresa (with a H)/Twitter

12. As has this...

13. The best part of Bridget Jones, though? This kiss.


tumblr_malz0udh9n1rv3froo1_500 Source: danassanctuary

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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